Rick and Lenita Copple were married in May of 1982, after a year and a half of courtship. Lenita gave birth to three children over the years. Watching those kids grow to responsible adults, they've become grandparents as well. They are both glad they not only weathered the storm brought about because of the affairs, but their relationship has thrived.
Rick grew up in South/Central Texas, and attended college at Southern Nazarene University where he graduated with a BA in religion. He pastored two churches before moving to the Orthodox Church in 1996. During those years and up through the present, he wrote many homilies, Bible studies, and devotionals.
In 2005, Rick became interested in writing science fiction and fantasy stories. He has currently published seven books, six fiction and one non-fiction book. You can discover more about his fiction writing at his author website: http://www.rlcopple.com.
Rick did most of the initial writing of the book, but Lenita wrote much of the real-life story, as well as was highly involved in the editing of the manuscript. Much of what the two learned about healing infidelity came through her healing.
Lenita grew up in Bethany, Oklahoma. After marrying Rick, she spent most of her time raising the kids as a stay-at-home mom. However, she earned extra money doing child care and house cleaning over the years. For a period of time she homeschooled the kids when they were young.
Always devoted to her kids and a partner in her marriage, she felt she hurt herself as well as Rick by giving into the temptation to have an affair, something she never imagined she'd ever do until it happened. But her determination and commitment in rebuilding not only salvaged the marriage, but healed the relationship. Through it, she's re-proved her love to her husband and to God.